by Liquid Video Technologies | Apr 25, 2019 | Access Control, Cybersecurity, Data Breaches, Network Security, Networking, News, People That Make A Difference, Security Breach, Technology News, Websites
Russian hackers are targeting European embassies, according to new report Russian hackers recently attacked a number of embassies in Europe by emailing malicious attachments disguised as official State Department documents to officials, according to a new report from...
by Liquid Video Technologies | Apr 23, 2019 | Computer Networking, Cybersecurity, Data Breaches, Deterrent Tactics and Devices, Home Security, Https, Network Security, Networking, News, PCI Breach, PCI Compliance, People That Make A Difference, Security, Security Breach, Technology News, Websites
Microsoft Office now the most targeted platform, as browser security improves Microsoft Office has become cybercriminals’ preferred platform when carrying out attacks, and the number of incidents keeps increasing, Kaspersky Lab researchers said during the company’s...
by Liquid Video Technologies | Apr 22, 2019 | Computer Networking, Cybersecurity, Data Breaches, Network Security, Networking, News, PCI Compliance, People That Make A Difference, Security, Security Breach, Technology News, Websites
Blockchain Patent Granted to Cybersecurity Company Owned by U.S. Defense Contractor Documents published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on April 16 reveal that Texas-based cybersecurity company Forcepoint has been awarded...
by Liquid Video Technologies | Apr 18, 2019 | Cybersecurity, Data Breaches, Mobile Access Control, Network Security, Networking, News, PCI Breach, PCI Compliance, People That Make A Difference, Security, Technology News, Websites
Mueller report details how Russians reached millions of US Facebook and Twitter users and brought them out to real-life rallies Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report released Thursday says Russia’s Internet Research Agency, or IRA, reached millions of U.S. users on...
by Liquid Video Technologies | Apr 6, 2019 | Business, Computer Maintenance, Computer Networking, Cybersecurity, Data Breaches, Network Security, Networking, News, People That Make A Difference, Security, Technology News
Boeing will cut production of its 737 Max plane amid growing international crisis Boeing said Friday that it will cut production of the 737 Max plane from 52 to 42 per month. The move confirms earlier Reuters reports that this was among options the planemaker...
by Liquid Video Technologies | Apr 6, 2019 | Business, Computer Networking, Cybersecurity, Data Breaches, Networking, News, PCI Compliance, Technology News, Websites
How Jeff Bezos decided the first thing Amazon would sell was books Amazon was designed to be an “everything store,” according to Brad Stone’s book “The Everything Store.” But when CEO Jeff Bezos was first thinking about launching...
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