Windows 11 Docs Hacked to Drop JavaScript

Windows 11 Docs Hacked to Drop JavaScript

A recent wave of spear-phishing campaigns leveraged weaponized Windows 11 Alpha-themed Word documents with Visual Basic macros to drop malicious payloads, including a JavaScript implant, against a point-of-sale (PoS) service located in the U.S. Users clicked on the...
BrakTooth Leaves Bluetooth Vulnerable

BrakTooth Leaves Bluetooth Vulnerable

A set of new security vulnerabilities has been disclosed in commercial Braktooth Bluetooth stacks that could enable an adversary to execute arbitrary code and, worse, crash the devices via denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. By default, Bluetooth devices are vulnerable...
Wi-Fi Home Security Alarms Attacked

Wi-Fi Home Security Alarms Attacked

New vulnerabilities have been discovered in Fortress S03 Wi-Fi Home Security System that could be potentially abused by a malicious party to gain unauthorized access with an aim to alter system behavior, including disarming the deceives without the victim’s...
MTA-STS Improve Your Email Security

MTA-STS Improve Your Email Security

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or SMTP has easily exploitable security loopholes. Email routing protocols were designed in a time when cryptographic technology was at a nascent stage (e.g., the defacto protocol for email transfer, SMTP, is nearly 40 years old now), and...
Cybercrime Asking Insiders to Plant Malware

Cybercrime Asking Insiders to Plant Malware

A Nigerian cybercrime threat actor has been observed attempting to recruit employees by offering them to pay $1 million in bitcoins to deploy Black Kingdom ransomware on companies’ networks as part of an insider threat scheme. At the beginning of October, a...